Sunday, March 27, 2016

How to Find a Friend

I searched the world for a friend who would suit me, and returned home disappointed.
I searched my soul to find out why, and God taught me.
I searched the world for someone to serve, and found a friend in every place.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Peace is a timid creature who does not respond well to chasing. It will vanish from your soul like the turning of a light. Peace will not come when you are thinking of yourself. 

Peace transcends your being; it is greater than you are. If you limit your mind to your being, peace will not come. Open your mind, breathe, and be. Don't think. Transcend yourself. Be.
Let go of your fears, hopes, and memories. Allow them to drift and float in the empty space you have created. Examine them without judgment. Let them be, just as you are. After mindful examination, discard the negative, embrace the positive. Go forth with thankfulness.

Is peace the only thing which comes this way? What other words could fit in the place of peace? How can I apply this to my life?

Monday, March 21, 2016

On Courage and Emotion

At the end of all efforts, human emotion is not the thing which stops a person's progress, but the thing which allows them to go on. It is not a hindrance or a silly notion, but a real and visceral part of being alive. To deny emotion and to purposefully ignore its strength is to withhold yourself from the strongest thing inside of you, and the great efforts of the devil to subdue feeling is a testimony to its absolute power.

Apathy is a soul killer.

I admire the trait of emotion in my Mother. She feels so courageously. That's really hard for me. 

In the end, if I am to overcome the great test of life, I believe that I will have done so because I learned to open my heart to love, and give it freely to myself and all those around me; holding no part in reserve. How else can my soul be free?

As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
-Jesus Christ 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

On Lucifer and Anger

And the second was angry, and kept not his first estate; and, at that day, many followed after him. 
 -Abraham 3:28
I wonder where Lucifer learned to be angry. Does anger come naturally to intelligent beings, or is it a learned trait? What can be learned about the premortal life from this scripture?