Friday, May 27, 2016

The Answer

Once humanity realizes that the answer to all of their problems is complete and unconditional love, all of their problems will be solved. 
Once I realize that the answer to all of my problems is complete and unconditional love, all of my problems will be solved.

How courageously can I learn to love my fellow man?

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Good and Comfortable

A child once broke a very nice window in the home of a wealthy man.
"Child, that was a bad thing, a very bad thing!" Reprimanded the man.

A man once stopped his child from playing ball for fear of the child breaking a window.
"Man, that was a very good thing, a very good thing indeed." Cooed the neighbors.

Be careful of confusing comfort with morality; they are not the same thing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I Spoke to God Once

I spoke to God once, saying, "Lord, I'm struggling to believe in myself."

He responded, "Who did I say to believe in?"

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Time Travel

I think that if humanity ever travels in time, it will be a concept entirely of perception, and not of physical being in time.
In a sense, we travel in time already. The stars that we see in the sky put off light that we see years after the light is actually put off by that star. We're seeing things as they were a hundred or a thousand years ago, not as they are now.
So, if at some future point, humanity happens to build a telescope well enough to find an inhabited planet elsewhere in the universe, we will be seeing the inhabitants as they were tens or even hundreds of years before the present moment.
Following those same lines, if humanity were to figure out how to travel faster than the speed of light, we could theoretically catch up to the light that reflected off of the Earth in years past, and literally watch history unfold.
It is also possible that there is more sophisticated life in the universe that already is watching the Earth, and may even have recorded our existence. Pretty cool, huh? :D
To go even further, if humanity could move faster than light, we also theoretically could catch up to the end of light, and watch the creation of the universe happen.

So, how did the Egyptians build the pyramids? 

I don't know. Ask the aliens.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Council of Music

It seems to me that the reason humanity listens to music is to take council from it.

To feel identified with, understood, and like we belong. We don't actively seek out music which we don't identify with. We like music that is like us, and when we listen, we tend to take council from it.

The music we listen to strongly affects the way that we think and the choices we make. It is a real and visceral part of who we are.

Is the music that I listen to the kind of council I would like to receive, and is it like the man I want to become?

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Teach the Children

If my children are to work, they must first see their parents working.
If they are to have joy, they must first experience their parents being joyful.
If they are to find meaning, they must first be educated by parents who understand meaning.

In essence, everything I want my children to be, I must first learn to be myself.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

How to Find a Friend

I searched the world for a friend who would suit me, and returned home disappointed.
I searched my soul to find out why, and God taught me.
I searched the world for someone to serve, and found a friend in every place.